Key Figures
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Major Figures

Joseph McCarthy - A Republican Senator who hunted for people loyal to the communist party in the government.  He capitalized on the fears of America;  when many were scared about the spread of communism and its power, Mccarthy accused government officials in being a part of the communist party.  He went on a witch hunt and investigated government departments, and when he found anyone that had been a member of the communist party they lost their jobs.  These people were put on trial and told to name other names of people loyal to communism.  This hunt is now referred to as Mccarthyism. 

He banned books from libaries that were by communists, pro communists, former communists, and anti anti-communists.  He stole the right for people to have freedom of speech.  McCarthy had said that the U.S. army had been infilitrated with communists. This is when Republican President Eisenhower knew McCarthy was going to far.  Reporters were no longer afraid to expose the ways of McCarthy.  And by being exposed he lost support real quick.  He drank himself to death.


  Professor's comments:

There are some obvious spelling and grammar issues in this section.  These paragraphs should be pasted into a standard word processor with a spell-check and grammar-check before being pasted into this page.  That way, you can easily eliminate this issue.

The header above could be separated more clearly from the paragraph which follows (visual separation).

Be careful of using loaded terms, such as "hunt" above, and "witch hunt" below.  Let the audience make those assessments based on the facts which you present here.  This purpose of these pages is primarliy informative, not persuasive. When you get to the Implications section, especially when you provide your group's interpretation of the events, then we might expect to hear a more persuasive tone.

The photo is a nice addition here.


Minor Figures

J. Edgar Hoover - A friend of Jospeh McCarthy.  Hoover appointed many people to aid McCarthy and his witch hunt for communists.  Hoover even provided McCarthy with the names of strong liberal people in the government who could have been thought to as being communist.

Harry Truman - McCarthy accused Truman as being soft on communism.  Democratic candidate Truman lost the 1952 election for President because he was portrayed by McCarthy as being a dangerous liberal

Dwight Eisenhower - Decided it was time to end McCarthy and his investigations when McCarthy accused the United States army in being infiltrated by communists.

Roy Cohn - McCarthy appointed Cohn to be his Chief Counsel, his right hand man.  Cohn helped McCarthy all throughout his pursuit of communists. 
