Key Influences
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Economic Factors

During the McCarthyism period, the economy had a big disadvantage.  Communist or people accuse of communist were put on the blacklist.  People on the blacklist lost their jobs.  It was estimated that roughly ten thousand people had lost their jobs.


Cultural Factors

The nations cultural suffer as well. The right of free speech and beliefs were taken away.  Everything they do or say can affect their life style.



Social Factors

Communication wasn't so popular.  People were afraid to talk about or even say the word communist.  Just being heard saying the word, can lose you your job. 


Political Factors

The government of the United States persecuted the Communist Party in 1956.  All members were put on the blacklist or put in jail.  They were all accused.  Many went to court but didn't get a fair trial.  All were also put on surveillance so that they can't build an army for power. 

Physical Factors

Due to the blacklist, it was a period of depression for some.  It was very hard to apply for jobs, loans, etc.  Other came down with an emotional impact of paranoia (a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often defended with a reason).  Everyone was just afraid of every word they say or who they talk to.  Just saying the wrong thing can hurt you. 

Professor's comments:

The headers here need to be consistently formatted, either bold or not, different style or same, etc.

The paragraph at the bottom is very interesting; it might be better placed higher up and next to or immediately above the image.

There are, like the prior page, some spelling and grammer problems in these paragraphs.  More care should be taken with this writing. The written portion of this page is not extensive, and it should not take a great deal of effort to construct this well.



Feverish Commie-takeover scenarios emerged in the mass media in the years to come, including Life magazine's "The Reds Have a Standard Plan for Taking over a New Country" (1948), the M-G-M cartoon "Make Mine Freedom" (1948), Columbia Pictures' 1952 film Invasion USA, the 1962 TV special Red Nightmare ("presented by the Department of Defense"), and such comic books as "The Sneak Attack" in the first issue of Atomic War (1952). But none of them could quite match Is This Tomorrow? for pure holy terror.